New users, approvals and scammers
Welcome to VulnDetect dot org, the forum for discussing SecTeer VulnDetect and related subjects.
Sadly, we have been flooded with SPAM and SCAM posts from simpleminded individuals, criminals and underpaid off-shore workers.
We have therefore started a crude campaign to delete a vast number of accounts and the posts they attempt to make.
Sadly, it appears that we occasionally delete a legitimate post or user. We apologize for that.
Doing a proper vetting of a single registration and post is simply too time consuming.
We have therefore changed the registration process, so first of all you have to answer a simple question, it appears to stop half of the simpleminded individuals who are tasked with spamming sites such as ours, the rest, that means both legitimate users and scammers with a bit of cognitive abilities has to wait for an admin to reject or accept their profile.
We will attempt to do this daily, but can't promise that it always will be done in a timely fashion.
Most users who should have access to this site either already have a connection to a user in our community or knows an employee who works here. If not, please do spend a few minutes on the forum or on the parent website, to find alternate contact information and send us a request to approve your profile and post.
We apologize for all this, but we want to ensure that this forum has a high degree of relevant posts, without boring scam posts about ED, travel advice, erotic services and similar totally irrelevant and probably fraudulent content.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
A quick follow up on this.
Yesterday, we conducted "The Purge", it involved deleting thousands of accounts, sadly we based this on IP addresses extrapolated from obvious SPAM/SCAM accounts. This clearly proved that a few specific countries known for underpaid labour and SPAM factories are central to this.
Thus, we have decided to implement IP based filtering. As crude and prejudiced as it may be, it is simply the easiest way to combat the majority of this frustrating and wasteful flooding.
If you have been impacted by this and have a legitimate interest in the site, please contact us by other means and we will help you restore access to the forum.