CrystaldiskInfo 9.4.4 detected as 9.1.1
The reported version is 9.1.1 based on diskinfo32.exe
But installed version is 9.9.4 as in Diskinfo64.exe
It seems that installing x64 version doesn't remove the x32 one.Hope this helps.
File name and path: C:\Program Files\CrystalDiskInfo\DiskInfo64.exe Product Name: CrystalDiskInfo Internal Name: DiskInfo.exe Original Filename: DiskInfo.exe File Description: CrystalDiskInfo Company: Crystal Dew World Legal Copyright: (C) 2008-2024 hiyohiyo Legal Trademarks: Comments: MIT License File Version String: File Version: Product Version String: Product Version:
Thank you for reporting this. I believe it is fixed now. But I failed to find an account that belongs to you with this app, so I didn't double check that it works.
Note that it requires a new inspection.
@OLLI_S : fixed