[Solved] Mozilla Firefox - Alter Version Number
Mozilla Firefox is detected correctly on my system, but the displayed version number should be altered.
In the application the displayed version number is 63.0.
In VulnDetect the displayed version number is 63.
So you should show the same version number that is shown in the app.Tell me if you need a screen shot of the Help -> About window.
Here the information extracted from the EXE file:
File name and path: D:\PortableApps\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable\App\Firefox64\firefox.exe Product Name: Firefox Internal Name: Firefox Original Filename: firefox.exe File Description: Firefox Company: Mozilla Corporation Legal Copyright: ©Firefox and Mozilla Developers; available under the MPL 2 license. Legal Trademarks: Firefox is a Trademark of The Mozilla Foundation. Comments: File Version String: 63.0 File Version: Product Version String: 63.0 Product Version:
Yeah, they are not exactly consistent:
https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2018-26/In advisories they seem to be consistent with stripping trailing 0s though.
In the app (and that is what users see) I see: 63.0 (64-Bit)
So you also should display 63.0 (including the last zero). -
You should also alter the version number for Mozilla Thunderbird (60.0 instead of 60).
Same issue with Firefox 64.0
In VulnDetect you display 64 (that looksby the way)
In Firefox I see in Help -> About 64.0 -
in VulnDetect I see now the version 64.0
Issue solved.