[Solved] Amazon Music - No longer detected (Bug)
Amazon Music was detected in the past but currently it is no longer detected.
Here you can see that Amazon Music was detected in the past: https://vulndetect.org/topic/487/added-amazon-music-app-request
Here the information extracted from the EXE file:
File name and path: C:\Users\olive\AppData\Local\Amazon Music\Amazon Music.exe Product Name: Amazon Music Internal Name: Original Filename: Amazon Music.exe File Description: Amazon Music Company: Amazon.com Services LLC Legal Copyright: Copyright © 2013-2020 Amazon.com Services LLC Legal Trademarks: Comments: File Version String: File Version: Product Version String: Product Version: ~~~
This should be fixed.
Thank you
Amazon Music is now detected by VulnDetect and the version number is also correct.
Thank you for fixing this!