[Added] McAfee Security Center
File name and path: C:\Program Files\mcafee.com\agent\mcagent.exe Product Name: McAfee SecurityCenter Internal Name: McAgent Original Filename: mcagent.exe File Description: McAfee Security Center Company: McAfee, Inc. Legal Copyright: Copyright © 2018 McAfee, Inc. Legal Trademarks: Comments: File Version String: 17,8,131,0 File Version: Product Version String: 17,8,0,0 Product Version:
Please post also an icon.
If you need help extracting the icon, please tell me. -
Yes I need help!
As explained in my post about your super toolbox!
Regards. -
Hi Greg,
I can find a few references to McAfee Security Center, but it does not appear to be a standalone product.
What is the name of the product you installed, is it "McAfee Total Protection" which you linked to?
Or perhaps it is on this list:
/Tom -
https://www.dell.com/html/emea/dell-security-center/English/index.html This product was bundled with a Dell PC. I maintain it thru McAfee as it gives an extended protection for non IT people.
Sorry I did not realize it was a McAfee/Dell only product.
Regards. -
@Tom : it is maintained directly by McAfee who sends me bills!
@GregAlexandre I have removed the Internal flag, so after next scan you should be able to see it.
@Tom Yes. It is now detected. This detection points that the update to 64 bits left a x86 version of the agent exe.
Many thanks.
Regards. -
OK, I mark the topic as Added and move it to the category Added App Requests.