VulnDetect Agent - Context Menu
I have a vision for the VulnDetect Agent.
In my vision the VulnDetect Agent is present via a small icon in the system tray (with the good-looking icon).
When I right-click on the icon, then a context-menu is shown.
In this context menu the user has some entries like:- Start a system scan
- Report a problem
- Request an application
- Information
Start a system scan
When the user selects Start a system scan then the VulnDetect Agent performs a full system scan.
There might be a limitation that only one scan every 15 minutes is possible.Report a problem
When the user selects Report a problem then a new dialog is shown.
First the user needs to select the application (like in the Toolbox for VulnDetect).
An edit field is shown where user can enter/paste the file-name including the file-path manually.
Behind the field there is a button “Select” so users can also select the application (vis a “Open-File-Dialog”).There is also a button “Get Application Details” that extracts the version information from the EXE file and also the application icon.
This information is displayed like it is done in the Toolbox for VulnDetect.
The fields are read-only but users can copy information to the clipboard.There is also a large edit field where users can enter the description of the problem.
This field is disabled (greyed out) until the user pressed “Get Application Details”.
So first he needs to extract the version information, then he can enter the description.There are also two optional fields for Name and for Email address.
When these fields are filled, the user gets a feedback when the problem is solved.
Here also the registration data (that is entered when installing VulnDetect) can be used.When the user clicks on the “Send” button at the bottom, all information (including the version information and also the icon) is sent to the VulnDetect servers.
It is up to you if you create forum postings from these reports or if you keep them internal.
If you create a forums posing, you should email the URL to the user.
It is important that the user gets feedback when the problem is solved.Request an application
Also here a form is shown where the user first has to select the application (see above).
There are also additional fields that are required for an app-request (here you can orientate on the fields that I am using) and also a comments field..
When the user clicks on “send” then all information (including the version information and also the icon) is sent to the VulnDetect servers.Also here the user can enter the username and email address and gets a notification, when the app is added.
And it is up to you if you create a forums posting or keep it internal, but feedback is important.Information
Shows an info-window with the version information.
Here the version number should be in an edit field, so users can copy it to the clipboard (like in Mozilla Firefox).Note
This topic was created very quickly, so it might be possible that I have to work it over.
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