Show updates for Drivers
VulnDetect should also scan for installed drives and also offer updates for these drivers.
Up-to-date drivers increase the security of the system a lot (did someone say "Spectre/Meltdown" here?).In the Configuration you should add a checkbox "Show updates for Drivers" at the new section Scan options (this section is needed for other suggestions).
This checkbox is checked by default. -
Update of drivers is requested: closest to ring 0. Having this as an option is very optional
Some of the files Sumo discovers are drivers. While having VulnDetect discover drivers might be nice in the future, I think a focus on programs in the near term should be the priority
Suggested by @HempOil
Updates for drivers is a very important feature!
Where users can go to any app website and download and install a new version, for drivers this is a bit more complicated.
Users have to search for the correct driver (correct hardware, correct OS, correct version like x64 or x32).
Even I have problems doing this (so I don't investigate the time) and I would estimate my skills to quiet well.Next driver updates increase the stability of the system, increase the security and also offer new features.
So in my opinion a driver scan is a very important feature!