I am using the CSV export on a daily base, it is really very useful.
But sone things should really be improved.
Recommended Version
For some tools (like “MiTeC Icon Explorer") the recommended version (5.2.0) is older, than the installed version (5.3.0). In the list of applications you do not show a recommended version.
In my CSV export I have 15 applications, where the recommended version is different, but only for 3 entries the recommended version is newer.
Therefore, the recommended version should not be exported, when it is older or equal to the installed version.
Export Tool Collections
All tools from "Sysinternals" are bundled as "Sysinternals Suite".
The whole suite including all apps is not exported.
You should export the package headline ("Sysinternals Suite") and also all included tools.
I do not know if it causes trouble when the package headline ("Sysinternals Suite") has an empty column "File".
Identical naming for Apps in Tool Collections
All tools from Sysinternals begin with the text "Sysinternals" (like "Sysinternals DebugView" or "Sysinternals Process Explorer") what is great, when you sort the exported CSV.
Also all tools from MiTeC begin with the text "MiTeC".
But only some tools from NirSoft begin with the text "NirSoft" and none of the tools from Nenad Hrg begin with "Nenad Hrg".
Export status "Patch" and "Update"
In the UAT instance you show the status "Patch" and "Update".
This status is not yet exported, but it is really very helpful!
Please consider these suggestions for the CSV export.