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    @Tom I read the following article in the Windows Developer Blog: https://blogs.windows.com/windowsdeveloper/2022/05/24/microsoft-store-grows-with-the-developer-community/ In this article there is an interesting feature, called Restore Apps. To make it easier for customers to transition to their new PCs quickly and seamlessly, we will soon test a new feature in the Windows Insider channel that helps customers automatically restore their apps, previously installed from the Microsoft Store, to their new Windows device. [image: 1653821330231-1cee9d00-35ca-4697-8ce0-22a087965af0-image.png] So, when users reinstall Windows or get a new system, all their Windows Store apps can be installed with one click. This makes it very comfortable for users. I searched for some of my apps in the Window store and indeed, I found many of them: Keeper Spotify TreeSize Free Discord Microsoft Teams Skype Norton 360 CCleaner Amazon Music Microsoft Edge Slack Epic Games Store Screenpresso Microsoft Power Automate Microsoft PowerToys paint.net Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Community 2019 Visual Studio Community 2022 These popular apps are also available in the Window store: Mozilla Firefox TeamSpeak TeamViewer WhatsApp Desktop iTunes iCloud Netflix TikTok Instagram Facebook Lecovo Vantage It seems like more and more apps are also available in the Windows Store. Users have the following advantages: it is very easy to download and install these apps the apps are automatically updated the apps are linked with my Microsoft account, so I can easily install them on a second system too when I reinstall my system, I can install all apps with one click So more and more users will install ttheir apps via the Microsoft Store.
  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts
    OK, then the issue is solved.
  • 1 Votes
    6 Posts
    I am using VulnDetect Business for some months now. I added most computers of my family (wife, daughter, brother, girlfriend of brother, Virtual Machine). Soon I will add my father. My "job" is to support them (they have no high computer skills, especially my father, my brother and this girlfriend). So my brother and his girlfriend often call me and ask if their computer is OK (they are used that I call them and tell them to update some applications). But they are not often online: [image: 1593542294141-968ddf5a-069b-4d1b-8508-e13f850d2a23-image.png] So here I can not warn them that there are vulnerabilities on their systems (because I have to wait until they turn their computers on. It would be very helpful if the list of apps is updated even without a scan. So I see available updates and existing vulnerabilities and can actively warn them.
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    15 Posts
    @Tom It is very annoying, that keeping the system updated requires many manual steps. I know, that VulnDetect informs me about available updates, but it still requires, that I install them manually (for most apps). So I have to perform these steps manually: Check for Microsoft Windows Updates Check for Microsoft 365 Updates Check for Microsoft Edge Updates Check for Updates in the Microsoft Store (here I need some manual clicks) Check for Norton 360 Updates These updates are installed via the app directly, so there is no installer file available that I can download and istall. So, after VulnDetect tells me, that updates are available, I have to perform multiple manual steps and update the app, like: Go to the Windows Settings, click on "Windows Update" and then "Check for updates" Start Microsoft Excel, click on "Account" and then on the button "Office Updates" Start Microsoft Edge, go to the Settings, go to "Information about Edge" and wait for the result For all other apps I have to download the installer of the new version manually and update the app. It would be useful if the VulnDetect Agent Shows me a list of available updates (only apps, which have updates, not all apps) Shows also the available version number (recommended version) Shows a button "Update" behind each available update This button "Update" does the following: Opens the Windows Updates with one click (or installs them with one click) Executes the Microsoft Office Updater (I can send the command) Starts Microsoft Edge and tells him to install updates Opens the Microsoft Store with one click (or installs Updates with one click) Downloads and executes the installer of all apps, that have an installer available This way updating my system can be done with less mouse clicks. A huge improve of the usability!
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    The original topic also contained the suggestion to ignore an application completely. For this part we have an additional suggestion: [Implemented] Ignore Applications. Therefore, I worked over my original topic, so it contains only the feature "Ignore Specific Versions".
  • 1 Votes
    2 Posts
    This feature has been implemented in the Corporate Version of VulnDetect. Here you see a screen shot, how it looks there: [image: 1707585590417-c7942578-c615-4c54-90cc-e0adb99db7ab-image.png] The first icon downloads the recommended version. The second icon copies the download link of the recommended version to the clipboard. Therefore, I mark this topic as Implemented.
  • 1 Votes
    7 Posts
    It should be consistent. If you show at top of the configuration an red message box but not in the list of apps, then this is not consistent.