There are several suggestions for this feature request:
Suggest Missing Apps via the List of Applications
Report missing apps (this topic)
Easier program suggestion
Therefore, I will mark this topic here as Duplicate, this suggestion is tracked in the topic:
Suggest Missing Apps via the List of Applications
@olli_s For personal use, using local time could be acceptable even if this causes some troubles at Daily summer time changes. For administration in an international context it is a nightmare.
I suggest to use eventlog which stores data in UTC and display using local time of the one who displays the logs. This also have the advantage to manage security of logs.
This increases also the usability and reduces support costs.
If users see why an specific application is excluded.
This could also be used when the user has deactivated some elements, like Show updates of Microsoft Products or Show updates for Portable Applications.
Here you could show a messages like:
Not shown because you have deactivated Microsoft products in the Configuration (the link to the configuration increases the usability)
Not shown because bundled to NVIDIA GeForce Experience
Not shown because detection of games is not fully implemented yet
To add some clues:
home / family computers should not be restricted to home / family / student version (professional versions shall be allowed)
IP address shall not be a criteria to differentiate computers: it is now quite current to have multi-homed, multi-stacks home computers but you still have NAT for IP V4.
Hope this helps.
Provide a listing of all programs and their status: Program Name, Number Installed, Installed Version, Secure Version, Security Criticality, Status (all similar to PSI v3)
Suggested by @Alex-Connolly
I think this applies only to Microsoft Windows (and all apps bundled with Windows) and Microsoft Office.
Or are there any other apps that are updated via Windows Update?